Tuesday 24 November 2015

A Quick Word About School Council Meetings

Just to let you know, we have planned the school council meetings for the rest of the school year and they are on the calendar (which appears to the right on the desktop version of this site).

We hope you will find time to attend at least one meeting this year to find out what goes on.
Baby-sitting can be provided if we know in advance so, without further ado, the dates and times are:

  • February 4th, 6pm - council meeting at 6pm which we hope will be followed by a presentation from a representative of FSLAC (French as a Second Language Advisory Committee) on the topic of helping our children with French homework, even if we don't speak French
  • March 3rd, 6pm - council meeting
  • April 5th, 7pm - council meeting
  • May 3rd, 6pm - council meeting
  • June 2nd, 6pm - council meeting
We hope to see you there!

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Fundraising Updates and Results.

Thank you for clicking and donating during the Adopt-a-School Campaign

Thanks to your efforts, the library has just received  $1,128.00 in Indigo eGiftcards!  

Donate to Lord Lansdowne and get a Tax Receipt

We now have an online donation page where every donation over $3 will receive a tax receipt. Just go here - https://www.canadahelps.org/en/pages/lord-lansdowne-public-school-council/

Check out what we are fundraising for!

If you are wondering what the school council is fundraising for - check out this page here.
In a nutshell, this year we hope to bring two programs to Lord Lansdowne for student enrichment.
The first of these is the Scientists in Schools program which has been very well received in previous years and will cost $3,000.

The second of these is a Community Builders program which will be tailored to our school and is aims to get rid of bullying. This is not a once off presentation but a longer program and has been carefully researched and chosen as being the most appropriate for Lord Lansdowne by a dedicated school council anti-bullying committee . This will cost $8,000.

Friday 6 November 2015

Round Up of Events

Fundraising for a Syrian Refugee Family Starts NOW

You can donate using the link below and share the link with friends, family and colleagues to get the word out and help us reach our goal:

Pledge forms and other initiatives will be on the way!

Work to rule is over! 

Teachers seem relieved. Extra-curricular activities and general normality can now resume! (Things are not fully finalised but a tentative agreement has been reached)

Fundraising information and goals

So, we've mentioned HOW you can help raise funds for Lord Lansdowne (links here )
so now we will tell you WHY we are fundraising.

We have two major goals for the school this year. The first is to bring the Scientists in School program back again. This will cost $3,500. This program is popular with both teachers and pupils!

The second is to bring a well-researched anti-bullying program - Community Builders - to the school. Our anti-bullying sub-committee have worked hard to find a program that will work for Lord Lansdowne and this one is an ongoing, tailor-made package. This will cost $4,000.

So - get thee to our fundraising links to shop and support the school and watch out for upcoming fundraising events. You can subscribe to magazines at a discount or shop at Indigo and let 10% go to Lord Lansdowne, for example!