Wednesday 11 May 2016

Save Our Vice-Principal! Please help!

Many of you will have heard by now that the staffing allowance for Lord Lansdowne and Da Vinci for next year (16/17) does not include a Vice-Principal. Many of you will also have been shocked and dismayed by this news and wonder how on earth a principal, without a VP as back up, is to manage all the business involved in running two schools.

We strongly feel that a robust letter writing campaign could make our voices heard. Although the superintendent, Louie Papathanasakis, has sent us the information regarding the various cut offs and quotas to allow for a VP, these calculations fail to take into account the extra administration involved in running two schools on one premises, don't take into account the complexities of running the International Languages program and the overall decision can be considered extremely short-sighted in removing a position that (by their own calculations) will likely have to be re-introduced in a year or two when the school grows again.

Please take the time to write a letter/email to show your support and express the need for a vice-principal at Lord Lansdowne and Da Vinci. You can download (and adapt for appropriate amoutn of children etc!) a letter we have composed here and send it, via email to , also cc in Ausma Malik ( ) and Louie Papathanasakis ( ). 

Most of us will have seen, at some point, a situation where the need for both a principal and vice-principal is very clear so let's do our best to SAVE OUR VP!

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